Eclectic Houses: Embracing the Kuwaiti Style

As we are mostly staying indoors these days, I thought this video of a Pecha Kucha talk I gave in 2013 would be relevant and entertaining. The title of the talk was "Eclectic Houses: Embracing the Kuwaiti Style". It's about the apparent 'culture of weirdness' that permeates Kuwait when it comes to designing house facades. 

Has this quarantine taught us things about our houses we hadn't noticed before? 

Event—Pecha Kucha, 2013
Video Taken By—KASA 
Event Organizer—Asseel Al-Ragam 
Location—Kuwait, Amricani Cultural Centre 

Competition Entry - Meyerson Hall Basement Renovation

I submitted a design proposal to an "Ideas Competition for the Basement of Meyerson Hall", that is the main building of the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Following are the six pages I submitted: